Insuring your shareholders' agreement

Your shareholder agreement

You have a shareholders' agreement. But have you already insured it?

A shareholders' agreement is a contract between the partners of a company. It specifies certain rules concerning the organization and operation of the company. The shareholders' agreement helps to avoid misunderstandings, anticipate conflicts and unforeseen events. Including the risk of accidents. It also guarantees greater security for shareholders.

Do you have several partners in your company? In 3 years' time, will you have the financial resources to buy out your partner's shares should the need arise? To protect yourself, you can set up cross-guarantees. These guarantee the purchase of your partner's shares. This is a risk you need to anticipate, and one for which there are solutions, such as the "Garantie croisées" formula in MMA's Capital Décès policy.

The advantages of protection in the event of the death of a partner :

  1. The surviving partners retain control of the company in the event of the death of a partner. This means they can continue their business without fear of a new shareholder. 
  2. The surviving partners can buy out the deceased partner's shares without having to dip into their savings or take out a loan, since they have dedicated capital.
  3. Surviving partners avoid joining forces with the heirs of the deceased partner. This could have happened if they had been unable to buy the shares from the heirs.
  4. The heirs of the deceased partner do not have to look for potential buyers: they are assured of selling their shares to the surviving partners. In this way, they receive rapid cash flow.

The MMA agency in Le Chesnay has a dedicated team including a financial analyst and a provident specialist to help you implement this protection strategy for your company.

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